Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry in the second quarter of 2018 decreased by 0.41 percent (y-on-y) against second quarter of 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Muna Barat Regency

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Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry in the second quarter of 2018 decreased by 0.41 percent (y-on-y) against second quarter of 2017

Release Date : August 14, 2018
File Size : 0.22 MB


  • Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry in the second quarter of 2018 decreased by 0.41 percent (y-on-y) against second quarter of 2017. The decline was mainly due to the decline in production of Printing and Reproduction Media Recording Industry by 64.86 
  • Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry (IBS) in second quarter of 2018 decreased by 22.85 percent (q-to-q) on the first quarter of 2018. This decrease was caused by the decrease of production from Food Industry by 29.83 percent.
  • Production Growth of Micro and Small Manufacturing Industry (IMK) in second quarter of 2018 increased by 37.90 percent (y-on-y) to second quarter of 2017. The increase was mainly due to the increase of Food Industry production 87.70 percent, Industrial Chemicals and Goods from Materials Chemical 67.44 percent and Pharmaceutical Industry, Drugs and Traditional Medicine 62.38 percent. While the types of industries that experienced a decrease in production were Repair and Installation of Machinery and Equipment 60.69 percent, Other Processing Industries 51.81 percent, and Other Transport Equipment Industry 29.39 percent.
  • Production Growth of Small and Micro Manufacturing Industry (IMK) in the second quarter of 2018 decreased by -3.85 percent (q-to-q) on the first quarter of 2018. The types of industries experiencing the largest decline in production were Wood, Wood and Cork (Not Including Furniture) and Rattan Woven Goods and the like 17.21 percent, Other Processing Industry 15.60 percent, and Industrial Fabrication of Metal Products 15.54 percent. While the types of industries that experienced increased production were Pharmaceutical, Drug and Traditional Medicine 68.52 percent, Repair and Installation Service of Machinery and Equipment 28.53 percent and Textile Industry 10.76 percent.
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